Burnt Sienna
All projects with the Burnt Sienna colour
Elisabeth Pfeifauf
Stand Your Ground
Isabel Righi
Can we optimize the act of sowing in our garden?
Trebo Matthias
How can design reassess the relationship between nature and humankind?
Judith Prugger
How can we offer children a stimulating environment at home?
Maria Neri
How could you design something light?
Martina Caprin, Maximilian Obexer
Carlotta Rudari
What is inclusive design for you?
Begüm Taylan
How do you sound when you eat?
Goekce Goek
Is it possible to make it easier children's fruit consumption?
Greta Andreini
How can picturebooks influence children on their way of thinking?
Degree Project
Alba Lucia Aviles Semjevski
What if we reinvented the past?
Marianna Franceschi
ready to cook in complete comfort?
Caterina Tonini
Why complicate such a simple action?