

Fabio Bonaldo


EN Immerse an environment in a harmonious atmosphere, promoting relaxation, thinking, listening and reading, meditation, connection with the outdoors and nature. The covid-19 pandemic has renewed the need to curate interiors – particularly spaces for DAD and smart working – from an experiential, productivity and humanistic perspective. The design world investigates the criticality and potential of this context, seeking a variety of solutions to harmonise the senses – without privileging sight – in architecture. With light – or rather, with shadow – it is possible to promote “an ecology of sensitivity”, as Jun’Ichirō Tanizaki, considered to be among the greatest Japanese authors of his time, explains in In Praise of Shadows, essay written in 1933.

IT Immergere un ambiente in un’atmosfera armoniosa, favorendo il rilassamento, il pensiero, l’ascolto e la lettura, la suggestione, la connessione con l’esterno e la natura. La pandemia di covid-19 ha rinnovato la necessità di curare gli interni – in particolare gli spazi per la DAD e lo smart working – da un punto di vista esperienziale, della produttività e umanistico. Il mondo del design indaga le criticità e le potenzialità di questo contesto, ricercando una varietà di soluzioni per armonizzare i sensi – senza privilegiare la vista – nell’architettura. Con la luce – o per meglio dire, con l’ombra – è possibile promuovere “un’ecologia della sensibilità”, come spiega Jun’Ichirō Tanizaki, considerato tra i maggiori autori giapponesi del suo tempo, ne Libro d’Ombra, saggio del 1933.

© Fabio Bonaldo 2022

A project made in the course


ATELIERprojekte is conceived as a design experience, aimed at refining and testing technique, creativity, personal organization, research, and communication. After the study of diverse typologies of product and companies, each student freely chose a personal project to work with, consisting in an object to develop, also imagining its potential producer. The path is completed by a rich formation in digital modelling and a theoretical deepening of communicative issues touched by the project itself.