CoupArbre- Grafting Kit
Judith Tavella
Grafting is a technique that vegetatively joins two plants into one. Instead of cross-pollinating two plants and producing a hybrid seed, grafted plants use the roots and the bottom portion of one plant (rootstock) and attach it to a tender shoot (scion) from the top portion of another plant. This is often done with trees and shrubs, to combine the best characteristics of the two plants. The name CoupArbre derives from the French „arbre coupé“ which means cutting trees. Of course, the Idea of this kit is not to cut entire trees, but I suppose it will be used to cut in the bark of the tree and parts of the tree, to graft. The product consists of an artisanal made belt bag, 3 grafting knifes and a field guide.
The belt bag has space for the field guide, the 3 knifes, a brush, wax for wound closure of the plant and a shear. The cover of the belt bag can be taken of and placed on the ground, to prevent the loosing of the scion and the tools to get dirty.
The knifes, have 3 different shapes. Their elongated shape reminds at a scalpel, which is also made for a delicate and precise work. The first one is the copulate knife is mostly used to prepare the scion. It’s the knife for the rough work. And is bend in the direction of the grind. The second one is the graft -knife, a little and fine knife. It’s perfect for precise cuts in the bark of the rootstock and to cut out the chip. It has a special bark solver. The third one is a working knife. It must be robust because it is doing the most cutting work. The grind is symmetric on both sites. It doesn´t have to be extremely sharp. The important thing is that it lasts long.
The Field Guide gives the opportunity to learn about the topic in a step by step mode. Providing Information about the different ways of grafting and some basic information for a successful graft. The idea of the field guide was born after a own graft experience that went wrong, a lot of research and an interview with a hobby gardener.
The aim of this product is to encourage hobby gardeners or beginners to start to try this old tradition. And not only for a result, which would be as example a grafted cherry tree, but also just out of pleasure, to take time, to relax and try out a new field for them, which is actually a really old tradition.