Gary Gangs
Isabella Küchler
Isabella Küchler Academic staff
Giorgio Camuffo Andrea Facchetti Hans Hoeger Course
Max Mustermann, designer Program
BA Major Design Semester
2021/22 WS This book shows some projects of the graphic design studio Gary Gangs created by American designer and photographer Billie Gary. Who is Billie Gary? She grew up in St. Louis (Missouri) in a quite poor neighborhood dominated by criminality and violence. Already as a little kid she observed with attention each situation that surrounded her analyzing people’s behavior and interaction.
“When you grow up this way, you somehow feel almost compelled to improve social relationships. Design does that. Photography combined with typography creates strong images and messages that are able to change the human behavior and relationship. I really do believe in that.” – Billie Gary
A project made in the course
Max Mustermann, designer
Today, a designer’s first task is to design her or himself, creating her/his context, defining her/his own narrative and her/his personal approach to the discipline. But what does it mean to design yourself? The course asks the students to imagine and design a graphic design studio that doesn’t exist, imagining and producing traces of her/his life, and her/his work. Working on the profile of a non-existing designer, students have the opportunity to confront themselves with different aspects of the discipline, different practices, methodologies, attitudes and approaches to the graphic design world.
More projects by Isabella Küchler
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