Beatrice Cera
The inspiration for this project comes from my direct experience, when I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) five years ago. It is a medical condition that affects women and it causes small cysts to form in the ovaries.
It is not very common to hear about this disease, and this can cause those who are affected by it to feel different from their peers.
Adolescence is one of the most delicate moments in our life and this is exactly the moment in which PCOS manifests itself most frequently. Something out of the norm can make an adolescent feel “all wrong” and living this experience alone is very difficult.
The aim of my project is to reveal the existence of this condition and convey it to a public that is wider than the one solely composed by doctors, patients and their families.
In this research I will be both the director and one of the narrating voices. I will avail myself of photography, on the one hand because this is a medium which I am comfortable exploring new realities with, and on the other because it is an effective method for conveying complex situations. My work would be positioned in-between journalistic storytelling, the sensitivity of the artistic approach and the communicative efficiency of design. I will apply the process of design in the exploration and narration of a deeply personal issue that is inserted into a broader social and cultural context.